Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lectionary for 5/15/08

Today's readings are Numbers 24.1-25 ( ) and Luke 23.1-25 ( ).
When Jesus is brought before Pilate, out of the several accusations lodged against him, the one Pilate asks him about is his claim to be the king of the Jews.  Jesus' affirmation is in quite strong terms in Greek, indicating that Pilate is absolutely right.  Look at a few lessons we can gain from this situation with Jesus on trial.
1)  Jesus declares his identity openly, knowing that there is no wrong in revealing his identity.  The Father will not despise him.  Can we also declare our identity openly?  Are we ready to affirm that we are sinners without hope except in Christ?
2)  Jesus' reputation has gone before him.  Finding who he is brings Pilate and Herod together, both of whom apparently have had some interest in Jesus, either positively wanting to hear his message or negatively wishing reason to condemn him.  Do we trust that the Lord will use opportunities, even before hostile audiences, to take his truth expressed through us his messengers?
3)  Pilate denied that Jesus was guilty of the charges brought against him.  We do not know much about what transpired.  From the other Gospels we see that Jesus told him very little.  Yet there were doubtless witnesses, people who could bring corroboration, etc.  If Jesus had been stirring up rebellion, why did the government not know about it? If Jesus was doing good and promising to be the king of people's hearts and souls, in the eyes of the Roman government it would appear he was some sort of priest, not a king like Caesar.  Are we ready to defend our faith against false charges?  Are we ready to speak clearly to the essentials of the Gospel and not be sidetracked into discussions which bring no biblical light to our world?
When we stand on trial before the world, may the mind of Christ be in us - a mind that is ready to answer with God's answer, bringing out his character as revealed in Scripture.  May we trust that the Lord will use his word to accomplish what he wills to do.


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