Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lectionary for 11/29/08

Today's readings are Isaiaha 5.1-25 ( ), 1 Peter 2.1-12 ( ), and Amos 1.1-9.15 ( ).

Our reading today points out the judgment of God poured out on the world.  We can still look around and see that this world is full of toil, disappointment and sorrows.  It's a rough life and people who engage in it can be hurt.  Just yesterday on the news we heard of a store where a mob of bargain hunters had arrived prior to the opening time of the store, knocked down the doors of the store, and rushed in, trampling an employee to death.  People doing their duty are harmed and even killed simply because of people's greed and lack of forbearance.  And we can all ask ourselves what kind of self-centered desires are running our lives.  Maybe they don't spur us to harm retail sales associates.  But maybe we are busy running down other people with our mouths, with our attitudes, with common bits of discourtesy, by making their lives harder, harming their reputations, thinking the worst rather than the best of them.   

Our Lord has more than enough judgment to pour out on this world for the sinful attitudes that undergird such behavior.  Our Lord has a perfect understanding of all that is going on in our hearts and minds.  And he is not shy about confronting sin in order to put an end to it.

But look at the distinction he makes between those who believe on him and those who do not.  In 1 Peter 2 we see the identity of those who believe God as he has revealed himself in Scripture.  Those who believe are honorable, a royal priesthood before God.  Let us look realistically at our identity.  May we live according to that identity we receive as believers on Christ, living for him in this world, bringing kindness, joy, and redemption to those around us.

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