Monday, February 23, 2009

Lectionary for 2/23/09

Today's readings are Job 18.1-21 ( ) and John 7.32-53 ( ).

Look at the controversy surrounding Job.  He maintains his innocence, his counselors maintain his guilt.  His wife has told him he is probably innocent but needs to give false testimony against himself, curse God and die.  He has probably entertained thoughts of giving up.  False accusation after false accusation has been leveled against him.

Maybe we feel like Job sometimes.  Maybe we find ourselves distressed by the events of this life.  Maybe we see news about us that we never dreamed was true (and that may not be true).  What do we do on those days?  Do we stand in the strength of our integrity, of our own testimony, against all odds?  That sounds a little too much like what the hero of an old Western movie would do.  It doesn't sound much like me.  I don't think I have that big of a white hat or a six shooter which never runs out of bullets.  And my horse isn't armor-plated.

How about looking to Jesus instead?  See in our reading how he is accused of all sorts of things which are not true, his words and intentions are twisted at every opportunity, and he stands in his righteousness.  He has no need to flinch.  He remains the perfect savior.  Let us look to him, not to ourselves.  When Jesus claims us, gives us faith, baptizes us into his name, promises to be with us forever, these are promises which we can trust.  If God is for us, who can stand against us?  Nobody.

Lord, thank you for your hand of protection and mercy.

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