Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lectionary for 3/17/09

Today's readings are Genesis 35.1-29 ( http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?q=Ge.+35.1-29 ) and Mark 9.33-50 ( http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?q=Mark+9.33-50 ).
Reading in Mark 9 today I'm struck by how much temptation there is to sin.  My question is whether we add temptation to sin when we enter into interactions with other people.  Do we add it to ourselves?  More importantly, do we add temptation to sin to others?  Of course, we could bind ourselves by a law that says when we are around someone who is tempted to sin we have caused it and we are thus responsible for the sin of others.  That isn't right.  Yet how many times we surely add to people's sin!  Are we impatient?  Do we spur them to grumble and complain?  Do we give people reason to be discontented in some area?  Do we influence people to rebel against the authority God has placed them under? 
Lord, it isn't even breakfast time yet.  I've been awake under an hour today.  Yet I see my tendency to sin, my desire to sin, and my ability to spur others in that direction.  I confess that my sin is always before me and that it rises before you as an offense.  Grant your cleansing and forgiveness, your healing and grace.  I pray you will use me this day to spur others to righteousness, not to offense.  Amen.


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