Did you ever wonder why you are where you are? How about why you are doing what you are doing? I'm sure Peter wondered that in Acts 10. He has received a vision from God which he understands to be telling him that it is appropriate to bring the Gospel to Gentiles. He has now spent over a day on the road before arriving at Cornelius' house. Yet he still doesn't know exactly what it is that Cornelius wants. Upon Peter's arrival he finds Cornelius' house filled with relatives and friends.
When we don't know why we are where we are, sometimes it's a good idea to do as Peter did, and ask. "Why did you send for me?" There's no telling, someone might answer you. What was Cornelius' response? "We want to hear what the Lord wants to tell us.
Opportunities for personal ministry like this one are quite rare. But something we should remember is that Cornelius is classified as a "God-fearer" - someone who apparently believed in God as revealed in the Scripture. He had a desire to hear more accurately about Jesus, as he did not know who the Messiah might be. This is not your garden-variety unbeliever who has never really heard much about the Bible and hasn't shown much interest in God's people. This is someone who has been confronted with the reality of God and who is seeking him out.
In today's reading we don't get to see what Peter told Cornelius and his household. Let it suffice to say that Peter explained the Gospel - that Jesus is indeed the Messiah, the anointed one of God, come to save his people by dying in their place on account of their sins, that he has been raised to life again by the power of God, and that he has ascended to the right hand of the Father, sending the Holy Spirit to draw people to him. Peter took what he knew about his situation and used it to speak plainly for his Lord and Savior.
What is our situation today? May the Lord use us to speak clearly in his name when that is an option available to us. May the Lord use us, whatever our calling, to fulfill his will this day.
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