Saturday, October 17, 2009

Deuteronomy 15.19-16.22, Matthew 13.44-58 - Lectionary for 10/17/09

Today's readings are Deuteronomy 15.19-16.22 and Matthew 13.44-58.

As we read the commands about offerings and the various feasts that Israel is to celebrate, we notice that the Israelites do not lose their offerings in any way.  They take their offerings to the appointed place and they eat them along with everyone else.  It's more like a banquet than like paying taxes.  We also see in the different holidays that everyone participates, including the poor who would not have means to celebrate God's goodness.

While our Lord did appoint private property - you can't have the prohibition against stealing without having private property - he is intensely interested in seeing that the poor and hungry are cared for.  Within the context of God's community there should be no crushing poverty.  God provides the needs for his people, using his people to do it.

May the Lord ever bless us to care for those in our community who need our care.

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