Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jeremiah 23.21-40, Matthew 25.31-46 - Lectionary for 11/11/09

Today's readings are Jeremiah 23.21-40 and Matthew 25.31-46.

We see today God's condemnation of the harmful false prophets who were arising in Israel at the time of Jeremiah.  We can easily picture God's condemnation on many modern-day self-proclaimed prophets as well.  One of the cautions we typically have about prophets is their self-ordination.  In verse 21 we see that God did not send these people but they seem to have sent themselves.  But look at the passage a moment more.  Look at verse 22 and see that even though those prophets sent themselves they certainly had access to God's words and character.  They would be able to prophesy the truth.  The issue is not the fact that they sent themselves.  It's that they did so and continue to do so without listening to the Lord.

What is the content of the preaching and teaching we hear?  Is it from the Lord or is it some person's idea of what the Lord should have said?  Is it from the Lord or is it some imitation for the truth, intended to make us feel good?  Is it from the Lord or is it our idea of what we do to live a good and clean life?  The words of life are available to all of us.  May the Lord teach us to stand in his council and proclaim his true words to his people.  This will turn people from evil.  This alone is what a prophet is to do.

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