Today's readings are Genesis 4.1-26 ( ) and Mark 2.18-28 ( ).
These two passages have substantial themes that pull them together. Cain, in his sin, kills his brother Abel, and then God gives him rest from the penalty of his sin. He places a divine sign on Cain which will serve to protect him so he can be safe from those who would condemn him, a murderer. He is called to account for his sin, is told to resist his sin, and then given rest from that sin. In Mark, the disciples are accused of sin in an instance when they were doing what is necessary for life on the Sabbath day. Jesus proclaims both rest and his protective hand on the disciples.
The whole picture of God's protective hand giving his people rest is summed up in Mark 2.27-28, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath" (ESV). In Christ we are given a sabbath-day's rest from our toiling with sin. We are promised deliverance from that sin. The mark of a Christian is freedom from toiling hopelessly day after day against sin. We have victory in Jesus' righteousness over all that plagues us.
Like the disciples, we hunger and thirst, and we need to spend time dealing with the fruits of this sinful world. We need nourishment, just like the disciples. We eat, drink, and sin with one another. As we are warned that "sin is crouching at the door" (Genesis 4.7, ESV), we are also told that the Sabbath was made for man. Let us rejoice in the rest the Lord has given us, especially rest from the constant pursuit of our sinful goals.
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