Today's readings are from Proverbs 9.1-18 ( ) and John 13.21-38 ( ).
The Athanasian Creed talks in detail about the divine and human natures of Christ being "unconfused" or "unmixed." We may be seeing an example of this unconfusion of the divine and human nature at the beginning of our passage in John. As Jesus looks around at his disciples he becomes troubled. It seems that he is realizing that he will be betrayed and that it will be by one of them. He may even be startled with the realization that Judas is the one who will betray him. In his perfect and true humanity, Jesus knows things exactly the way you and I know them. He is informed by Scripture, he makes observations, and may occasionally get impressions in prayer which lead him to consider particular facets of his world and statements of God in Scripture more seriously. Here, our Lord and Savior who is FULLY HUMAN experiences the same kind of devastating realization many people have experienced over the years. Things are not looking good. My situation is turning sour. This is going to hurt. And what will hurt most is the fact that I wll be betrayed by a trusted friend.
Have you experienced disappointment? Have you been betrayed by friends, family members, co-workers, employers, even spiritual leaders? Jesus has experienced the same disappointment. And he did not experience it as some sort of Superman with resources that you do not have. He experienced it in his bodily life on this earth, fully human at the same time that he is fully divine. His nature is not confused. He is not God with a little man mixed in. He is not some sort of super human person with a mixture of a bit of God. He is indeed fully divine and fully human. There is no intermingling. Jesus, the true man, the Son of Adam, has been where you are. Jesus, the divine Son of God has taken on your sin and grief, bearing death in your place and rising victorious over all your struggles. Though we are confused in our single nature, Jesus is unconfused in his dual nature. We can surely trust hm and cling to him for help and hope.
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