Thursday, February 18, 2010

Genesis 1.20-2.3, Mark 1.14-28 - Lectionary for 2/18/10 - Thursday after Ash Wednesday

Today's readings are Genesis 1.20-2.3 and Mark 1.14-28.

Look today at the abundance of God's blessing on his people.  When he fills the earth with creatures they really fill the earth.  See how the waters swarm, the birds fill the sky, and all the land animals fill the earth.  Counter to the "animal rights" movement of today we see that humans are a creation of a special nature, for we are the only ones created in God's image.  We also are to have dominion over the rest of creation.  This does not mean we are to exploit it, rather we are to care for it.  This is the rightful order, created by our Lord.  We have responsibilities to the animals but they don't have responsibilities to one another or to us.  We are free to use the created world for our pleasure, but we are not to neglect the ongoing good of the created world.

God's final proclamation in this passage from Genesis is that everything is very good.  Seeing his good creation, God rests from his work.  The day of God's rest is a holy time.  We are reminded in the New Testament that believers in Christ who are waiting for his return will be blessed and told to enter into God's rest.  We who are toiling on this earth will find the rest of God, provided through the creative Word of God, who has proclaimed us once again to be very good, living by faith in his promises.

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