Friday, February 15, 2008

Lectionary for 2/15/08 Gen. 13.1-18; Mark 5.1-20; Gen. 14.1-24

There's a recurring theme in these three readings.  After you have read them, see if you catch it.  Abram lets Lot choose the best land.  Abram saves Lot when he is abducted by various warring parties.  Jesus heals an outcast demon-possessed man.  The greater is serving the lesser.  In each instance, someone in need finds help and comfort from someone who is greater.  In each instance, that help is unearned.  There is no particular obligation on the part of the greater to do anything for the lesser.  Abram in Genesis and Jesus in Mark simply want to care for others.
Maybe we think of ourselves as the lesser people sometimes.  If we are in that position, we are reminded in Scripture that we in fact don't manage to earn the care that is poured out on us.  Whatever the Lord has done for us, it is by his good pleasure, not because of our desire.  He saves and heals according to his mercy, not our merit. 
Maybe we think of ourselves as the greater people sometimes.  God puts us in that position also.  Whatever kind of help and comfort we are able to do when we fulfill God's great commandment by loving our neighbor as ourselves, we are reminded in Scripture that our neighbors don't need to earn the care we give them. We love and help them because they are our neighbors and because we belong to the God who tells us to love our neighbor.  Again, it is not in accordance with our merit or the merit of the person we serve.  It's according to God's mercy.
At the end of the Genesis 14 passage we see Melchizedek, that shadowy character.  He offers blessing to Abram, but Abram instead returns blessing to Melchizedek.  In the New Testament we are told that Melchizedek is, in some way, representative of Jesus.  Needing nothing at all, Melchizedek is ready to bless Abram richly.  Yet Abram shows his gratitude to Melchizedek by honoring him.  When we see the riches of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ poured out upon us, let us return gratitude freely to him.
The Lord be with you.


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