Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lectionary for 3/16/08


Today's readings, prepared for Palm Sunday, show a progression of events in the life of the believer.  Notice how in Exodus we see God revealing his power through plagues.  Are we not also confronted with the plague, the curse of sin, which confronts us over and over again, calling us to repentance?  And like those who observed the plagues in Egypt, some continued to harden their hearts and some found their hearts broken by God's grandeur.
Do we wonder about God's grandeur?  Look no farther than Hebrews chapter 1, where we see that God has revealed himself through his son Jesus Christ, the firstborn over creation, having the power and authority to rule and judge, who will finish his use of the world and roll it up like a spare piece of clothing.
How does the believer respond to this great revelation of God in the presence of his son?  Look again at Psalm 118, where we call on the Lord, the stone rejected by builders but who by God's will has become the corner stone, the one rejected and despised who is our hope and salvation.  Give thanks to the Lord, who abounds in never-changing love!


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