Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lectionary for 10/14/08

Today's readings are Deuteronomy 12.13-32 ( http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?q=Deut.+12.13-32 ) and Matthew 12.38-50 ( http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?q=Matt.+12.38-50 ).

In today's reading God draws distinctions between his people and those who are not his people.  We see the priorities of the unbelievers set over against the priorities of the believers.  And one of the primary marks of God's people is that they care for one another. See how the sacrificial system was a means of feeding the Levites who were consecrated for God's service.  The people of Israel were welcome to eat their food wherever they wanted to but they were commanded to bring certain things and not only give them to the Levites but also to eat with them.  What is our motivation in creating fellowship and support within the body of Christ?  Jesus tells us in the last few verses of our Matthew 12 reading.  Christians are his own family.

May we gather together with other believers today, sitting at your table, Lord, the table you have spread for us, rejoicing in you, our head.

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