Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lectionary for 1/27/09

Today's readings are Zechariah 4.1-5.11 ( http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?q=Zech.+4.1-5.11 ) and Romans 15.14-33 ( http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/search/?q=Rom.+15.14-33 ).

God's work of purification, drawing a people to himself, removing sin and darkness from his presence, is not a work that always makes much sense to us.  Like today's reading in Zechariah we often find the affairs of this world confusing.  Yet we see, time and again, that God's people are at work.  As we look at Paul's example, we see that there is always something to do for our Lord.  There is always some place to go.  There is always someone who needs to hear of the forgiveness wrought by God in Christ.  If we run out of people here, there are people somewhere else.  If we delay in one place there will be a new generation of people where we were before, some of whom have not heard because in the darkness of our human hearts we neglect to tell people of the light of the Gospel.  There is always something to do for Christ, every day, anywhere we are.  

This work we do for Christ every day doesn't always make a lot of sense to us.  How does removing dust from my furniture minister before Christ?  Does it not restore order and cleanliness to the world he created?  How does changing a baby's diaper minister before Christ?  Does it not show love and care for our neighbor who is unable to care for that need?  How does sitting at the reception desk transferring phone calls to different corporate offices minister before Christ?  Does it not serve those unseen neighbors who needed to speak with the right person?  Truly all our work is done before Christ.  It all contributes to his work in this world.  It is all important.  

Wherever we go, whatever we do, may we take the Gospel with us, working joyfully as Christ's hands in this world, drawing people to our Lord, removing sin and darkness.

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