We would be remiss if we didn't consider this very important parable of the soils at least once in each year's readings. Look with me at the mighty power of God's Word. See how the Word of God has been scattered, seemingly indistriminately, throughout the whole world. Jesus Christ has come to give his life as a ransom for the world. There is no part of the world in this parable which is not covered by the living Word of God. See how the Word, of its own accord, accomplishes its purpose. It acts as seed will naturally act. It doesn't matter what kind of soil you provide for the seed. If it is put down somewhere and watered, it will germinate. It may die quickly, but it will do its work of germination. Jesus, the living Word of God, is sprouting everywhere. Even Satan's attempts to destroy the Word are ultimately unfruitful. Birds, after all, are well known for carrying seed and planting it elsewhere.
Do we want to bring Jesus to our lost and dying world? We are too late. Jesus has already come to our world. Let us rather proclaim his presence, his redemptive work, the mighty power of this living Word of God, praying that he will take root and bear a fruitful crop in those to whom we proclaim his presence.
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