Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lectionary for 5/21/09

Today's readings are Numbers 11:1-23, 31-35 and Luke 17.1-19.

How do we respond to God's blessing?  Often we talk about how we respond to God in times of adversity, but we may well have as much difficulty or even more when dealing with blessing.  Do we remain grateful to our Lord and Savior or do we desire the food of our captivity?  Do we delight in God's provision which looks, smells and tastes wonderful?  Are we rather those who would prefer to work hard with something messy and smelly so as to make it edible?

I find I must challenge myself to look at the many blessings of God and see them as blessings.  They are all around me and they are not inconsequential.

As we look at God's blessings upon us, may we, like the Samaritan leper, receive the words of our Lord, saying, "Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well" (Luke 17.19, ESV).

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