Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lectionary for 6/10/09

Today's readings are Proverbs 8.22-36 and John 13.1-20.

The selection from Proverbs continues with Wisdom (personified) talking about the value of seeking wisdom.  The word "wisdom" is a feminine noun, thus we refer to wisdom as "she."  Yet something struck me as I was reading this.  Here Wisdom seems to be personified in terms we would be most comfortable ascribing to God the Son.  See how there seems to be a bringing forth of Wisdom before the foundation of the earth.  See the creation done with the active involvement of Wisdom.  See the presence of Wisdom with the Father, "daily his delight" (v. 30, ESV) and actively involved in the life of every living being.  See how the matter is concluded in verses 35-36 (ESV) "For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD, but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death."

I wonder if this is actually a Messianic passage?  I haven't looked it up in a wide variety of commentaries.  Maybe if anyone reading has an opinion, informed or otherwise, you could drop a comment.

After writing the brief paragraph above, I took a look at the various commentaries in e-Sword, which primarily represent Calvinistic and Dispensational viewpoints.  Most of them made comments which indicated a Messianic understanding of Wisdom.  Anybody know if this extends beyond that theological camp?

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