Friday, June 12, 2009

Lectionary for 6/12/09

Today's readings are Proverbs 10.1-23 and John 14.1-17.

Sometimes being truly Trinitarian seems a little clumsy.  Have you ever thought of the way we tend to pray to the Father or maybe to the Son (rarely the Holy Spirit), then we tack one or more of the other persons of the Godhead on?  The fact is, it seems a little clumsy because it is clumsy.  We are finite humans who exist only in one person.  But here we are, addressing one God who exists in three persons.  It's bound to leave us a little confused.

In John's Gospel we see Jesus completely at home with the concept of the Trinity.  The Father and the Son are one.  And when the Son goes to the Father, the Father will send the "other" - here the Greek word indicating another of the same type - the Holy Spirit.  God is clearly one God in three Persons.  And the great news here is that we will not be left without the real presence of God!  The Son leaves and the Spirit comes.  We are always cared for.  God is always watching over His people.

Lord, may we rejoice in Your presence today, for You have promised never to leave or forsake us.  We know that we can pray confidently, for You ever live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end.

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