Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lectionary for 8/26/09

Today's readings are 1 kings 8.22-30, 46-63 and 2 Corinthians 4.1-18.

In verse 1 of 2 Corinthians 4 Paul says that believers don't lose heart.  Do we face affliction?  Certainly.  Is there persecution?  In this day as there was in Paul's day, yes, believers are persecuted for their faith.  Is there temptation to deny God's goodness?  Certainly.  Is there temptation to lose heart in the face of the evil we see around us?  Yes.  We are tempted every day.  We are tempted to look to our own provision, our own plan, our own idea of justice and mercy.  We are tempted daily to deny God and to give up the hope we have in eternity.  But we do not lose heart.  

What is God's provision today?  He has given us all we need for every situation we will find ourselves in.  He gives us grace for today's challenges.  He provides for all of our needs.  What more do we need?  Not a thing.  We do not lose heart.  We do not give up hope.

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