Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lectionary for 8/9/09

Today's readings are 1 Samuel 25.1-22 and 1 Corinthians 3.1-23.

Paul turns to the metaphor of building materials with the Corinthians.  He shows Christ as the perfect foundation, the various Christian leaders as the builders, and those they are leading as the building materials.  What kind of materials are they?  Apparently in Paul's metaphor they are building materials which are largely determined by the builder.  The builder makes the materials by the teaching of the Gospel.  The question is whether the builder is making the right material.  Is he building believers who are as imperishable as Christ the foundation?  Is he building believers who are undiscerning and will last only for a short time, then burst into flame and destroy the whole building?  

Paul does not deride Apollos or other faithful servants of Christ.  He affirms that the others are doing the work of the Gospel to create this living temple of God.  Likewise, today there are many leaders in the Church who are building well, rightly applying the true Gospel day in and day out.  This passage is an exhortation to those people.  Each one of us, as we have opportunities to build others up in the Gospel, are called to be careful how we build.  What kind of effect are we having on the people we interact with?  Are we making gold, silver, precious stones, solid straight wood planks?  Are we making hay and straw, hazards for fire, infestation, and rot?  Let us strive to nourish God's people with the pure Gospel.  In this way those Christ has brought together will fit well into their places in God's temple.  

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