Monday, January 11, 2010

Ezekiel 33.1-20, Romans 3.1-18 - Lectionary for 1/11/10

Today's readings are Ezekiel 33.1-20 and Romans 3.1-18.

Ezekiel continues to call people to repentance and restoration.  But a new challenge arises for him at chapter 33.  Rather than calling foreigners to repentance, he is now calling upon his own people, the people of Israel.  As God's chosen people Israel is very likely to reject Ezekiel's call.  After all, if you are already God's chosen people what need is there for repentance?

Do we, people in Christ's Church, act the same way?  But which of us is clean?  Which of us is without guilt?  Who has truly fled unrighteousness?  If we read the commandments can we get beyond the first one?  What is our need for repentance?  It is enormous.

What promises do we have?  Does not our Lord plead with us to turn to him in faith?  Does he desire the death of the wicked?  Not at all.  His desire is our repentance.  His desire is to bless us and care for us.

Let us turn to our Savior, again and again, as many times as we see our sin, day by day.  Let us trust his forgiveness and his grace.

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