Thursday, April 29, 2010

Leviticus 17.1-16, Luke 10.23-42 - Lectionary for 4/29/10 - Thursday, Easter 4

Today's readings are Leviticus 17.1-16 and Luke 10.23-42.

As I look at today's reading from Leviticus I make three observations in particular.  First we see that sacrifice is to have extremely high importance among the people of Israel.  They are not to make sacrifices according to their desire, the location they happen to be in, the customs of their surrounding culture, or any such thing.  Sacrificial offerings have a specific revealed pattern.  Second, the people are not to eat or drink blood like the pagans do.  There is to be a distinction, a reverence for life.  The blood is to be disposed of by returning it to the earth or through use in sacramental ways, such as sprinkling it on the altar.  Finally, the people of Israel are free to eat of food they catch.  It is animals for sacrifice which require special treatment.  As long as the Israelites abstain from blood they are welcome to eat what clean animals they have hunted.

Our Lord does want his people to have adequate food.  At the same time, he has set aside life, blood, sacrifice.  He guards these essentials while allowing considerable freedom in what and where we eat.  May we eat and drink in loving dependence on the Lord, the Son of God, the true Lamb of God, who has poured out his life, his blood, for us.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leviticus 16.1-24, Luke 10.1-22 - Lectionary for 4/28/10 - Wednesday, Easter 4

Today's readings are Leviticus 16.1-24 and Luke 10.1-22.

In our Leviticus reading today we see that the Lord loves his people and provides a means for their forgiveness.  Through the very detailed sacrificial rites the high priest makes sacrifice for himself, for the people, even for the tabernacle itself.  He ceremonially cleanses the entire place from the guilt of the people.  Finally he confesses the sins of all the people over a goat and sends the goat out into the wilderness, from where it will never return alive.  By the sacrifices, by the anointing with the blood of an offering, by the confession of sins, the sin of the people of Israel is taken away from them.

It is the fashion in some parts of evangelicalism today to say that the people of Israel are not forgiven their sins on the day of atonement.  This is not so.  God has appointed this means of approach to his holiness.  He says that the sins of the people are atoned for.  He says the transgressions of the people are imputed to the goat which dies in the wilderness.  There is no reason to dispute this.  What does not happen in the Old Testament is a permanent forgiveness of sin.  We do not see the once for all sacrifice for sin which is accomplished in Jesus.  We see a sacrifice which, though it atones for sin, must be repeated again and again.

Let us rejoice then that in these last days we are made participants in the atonement of Christ.  Our sins have been confessed and placed on him.  He, unlike the goat in Leviticus 16, is like us, a human.  He is able to bear our sins and die as our substitute.  This is a sacrifice for sin, once for all.  This is a sacrifice by which our sin is taken care of in the person of Christ and by which Jesus' righteousness is given to us in place of our sin.  This is the true atonement.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Leviticus 10.1-20, Luke 9.37-62 - Lectionary for 4/27/10 - Tuesday, Easter 4

Today's readings are Leviticus 10.1-20 and Luke 9.37-62.

Very quickly after the anointing of the Aaronic priesthood we see their downfall.  Nadab and Abihu are killed by the fire of God when they make an offering according to their own plan and purpose.  They chose to express their delight or earn their favor or some such object.  Whatever they were trying to accomplish, whether something good or bad, they were doing it in a manner which the Lord had not appointed.  Our God, who is a consuming fire, has created access to himself, on his own terms, through the means he has spelled out.  Nobody should have known those terms better than the priests themselves.  Yet they insisted on trying to do things their own way.

I had a conversation with someone not too many months ago, talking about the traditional liturgy.  He said he loved that traditional type of service but would be uncomfortable having it in the church where he is a pastor.  His reason?  He'd like to have more of himself invested in the service.  I know this man meant that he wants to create a Sunday service that ministers to the congregation in the ways he specifically knows they need  to be served.  He genuinely wants to pick what is most appropriate to the actual needs of his congregation.  Yet in seeking to do this with his own pattern he finds he cannot do something which is historically tried and true, which works out the important themes of Scripture Sunday after Sunday.  I'm not saying my brother here is like Nadab and Abihu.  But I would consider this incident to be cautionary to us.  Do we think we need to make sure things work according to our own preferences, according to our own plan?  Why do we think that?  Is not the God of all creation able to make access to him according to his own plan?

In these last days our Lord has revealed himself in the person and work of God the Son.  We have access to the throne of God through Jesus' blood and righteousness, not our own.  We can stand confidently.  The presence of God is a consuming fire, destroying all sin.  And this judgment of God has been poured out on Jesus Christ, who became sin on our behalf.  Nadab and Abihu died for themselves.  Jesus died for us.  There's the plan.  That's what we want to see invested in the service.  That's access to God according to his plan and purpose.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Leviticus 9.1-24, Luke 9.18-36 - Lectionary for 4/26/10 - Monday, Easter 4

Today's readings are Leviticus 9.1-24 and Luke 9.18-36.

As we read an account of an offering from Leviticus we realize that on the surface the offering doesn't look much different from those offerings made in paganism.  There is death of one or more animals.  There's a particular place to engage in the offering.  The person making the offering has a special garment.  It's not unusual to do something special with blood or with other parts of the sacrifician animals.  What sets this offering apart?

First, counter to paganism, the offerings in the Bible are made according to a specific revealed will of God.  The people making the offerings, certainly by this time period, didn't have to guess what to do.  There was a very clear revelation of God.  One of the joys of the Christian faith is that we have a faith which is clearly revealed by God.  It is not the kind of faith that we would make up on our own.  It is not something based on our own impressions, but is something extra nos, outside us.

Second, we see that God very clearly and definitively accepts the offering.  He gives his fire and burns the offering up himself.  This is quite unexpected, resulting in the people shouting and falling down in worship.  I wonder if we think seriously enough about the fact that God does things of his own accord, working supernaturally according to his plan?  If we did, would we conduct ourselves differently when dealing with the mysteries of God?  How about when he is creating faith in hearts through the proclamation of his Word?  How about when he is forgiving sins we have confessed?  How about when he is giving us spiritual food in communion?  How about when he is cleansing from sin and taking someone "into" his name through baptism?  Shouldn't we wake up and notice?

Lord, work according to your word.  Open our eyes to see it is in fact you doing what you have promised.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Leviticus 8.1-13, 30-36, Luke 9.1-17 - Lectionary for 4/25/10 - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Today's readings are Leviticus 8.1-13, 30-36 and Luke 9.1-17.

We see today how Aaron and his sons are consecrated to serve as priests.  In brief, observe two things.  First, they do not consecrate themselves, but are consecrated by Moses, God's servant.  Likewise, we do not set ourselves apart for service, but God sets us apart for service.  The calling is not merely our interest, but it is God's interest.  He is the one who calls and appoints people to their tasks, whether serving in a pastoral ministry or serving in some other vocation.  Second, we see that Aaron , his sons, and the very place of ministry, the tabernacle, are set apart for their service in a very particular and definitive manner.  It is obvious to everyone that Aaron and his sons are to be doing something different.  They look different, they wear special clothes, they are publicly anointed.  They have special rules for their behavior.  They are not to blend in with everyone else.

As a side note, observe the anointing happens with a ceremonial sprinkling.  Many commentators will compare the New Testament baptism to this anointing for service as a direct offshoot, a ceremonial washing.  This would tend to inform our understanding of baptism as something which does not necessarily involve an immersion in water, as well as a rite in which God is really present and actually sets the recipient apart for a life of consecrated service.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Exodus 40.17-38, Luke 8.40-56 - Lectionary for 4/24/10 - Saturday, Easter 3

Today's readings are Exodus 40.17-38 and Luke 8.40-56.

In today's reading from Exodus we see that God's presence comes into the holy place.  Despite the ark and mercy seat being placed behind a screen, when God's presence is upon the mercy seat, the tabernacle is so full of God that the people cannot approach his presence.

God shows his mercy and love for his people by filling the tabernacle with his presence.  He also guards and directs his people in their journeys.  The presence of the Lord is visible to the people.  They are able to follow the cloud and the fire of God's presence.

In all this we see that our Lord enables his people to know his presence.  He hides some of his glory from his people.  We simply wouldn't be able to bear meeting God face to face.  Yet through the means God has appointed we are able to receive forgiveness and grace.  We are able to see his actions in the world and follow him.  In these last days he has revealed himself in Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us.  We can approach his throne boldly as we are under the protection of God the Son.  We see that even though the tabernacle is full of God's presence, yet the tabernacle, Jesus Christ himself, brings us to himself to be with him.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Exodus 39.32-40.16, Luke 8.22-39 - Lectionary for 4/23/10 - Friday, Easter 3

Today's readings are Exodus 39.32-40.16 and Luke 8.22-39.

In the briefest of terms today, we see that the tabernacle God gives his people is full of different signs of his presence.  We notice especially his mercy, bread showing his presence, light, an altar at the entrance, then a place for cleansing with water.  We see that all is accomplished according to God's plan, including those details which don't seem to be details a person would normally dream up. The plan of God is to be executed carefully and seriously.  It is not child's play.  Preparing the way for people to meet with God is a very serious business.  Finally we see that the priests are clearly set apart.  They are appointed and it is obvious who is a priest and who is not.  This appointment does not have to do with the individual priest's holiness or natural abilities.  He is not selected for that at all.  Yet when the priest is selected he is dressed in a particular garment which indicates that he is the priest who may serve in this special role before God and for the people.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Exodus 38.21-39.8, 22-23, 27-31, Luke 8.1-21 - Lectionary for 4/22/10 - Thursday, Easter 3

Today's readings are Exodus 38.21-39.8, 22-23, 27-31 and Luke 8.1-21.

In our Exodus reading today we see that as the people of God give generously God's work is done.  The generous giving is not the result of Moses' pleading but of the Spirit of God working in and through the people.  And what is this work?  It is not the work planned by the early church growth people.  It's a work which is according to a plan our Lord has given.  It is a work of setting God's servants apart for service.  It is a work of providing access to the Lord's gifts of forgiveness and life.  It is a work which brings people safely to the God of glory in accordance with his command.

I have belonged to six different congregations in my life.  Every one of them has, at one time or another, usually frequently, made urgent appeals for funding.  We need to enlarge our parking lot.  We need to build an additional wing onto the building.  We need to decorate the building in this way or that way.  I've also heard that we need to bring freewill offerings to meet the outreach obligations our budget specifies, so everyone needs to bring something extra.  While I suppose we do need to be a little bit pragmatic - it was kind of bad when visitors to the church got stuck in the mud in the parking lot - we want to remember a few important issues from this passage.
1) God moves people by the Holy Spirit to provide for the genuine needs in His earthly kingdom.  We may be instruments he uses to announce and publicize the need but there is no need to twist people's emotions and bind them to give.
2) God's priority as shown throughout Scripture is to provide people with access to Him, coming in repentance and receiving forgiveness.  
3) Access to the Lord comes through the means He has appointed in Scripture, the living and present resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Exodus 34.29-35.21, Luke 7.36-50 - Lectionary for 4/21/10 - Wednesday, Easter 3

Today's readings are Exodus 34.29-35.21 and Luke 7.36-50.

As Moses stands in the presence of God receiving the commandments, God's radiance covers his messenger.  We see that Moses returns to the people with his face glowing as a result of God's radiance.  This radiance from God continued in Moses.  Interestingly enough, Moses veils his God-glow due to the fear of the people of Israel.  They were afraid to see the presence of God in his servant.

As we continue in our reading for this day we see that God continues to show his glory but it is in a veiled form.  He gives the people gifts - the Sabbath, the ability to provide for God's work, the skills to serve in building the tabernacle - all gifts which present God to the people, but in a veiled form.  We are not able to endure the glory of our Creator, so he shows himself to us through other means, humble means.

Lord, as we look to you, we see you have given yourself in the humility of God the Son.  You have given your presence in common elements - water, bread, wine, a spoken word.  Grant that we may rejoice in these humble means by which you have revealed yourself, the Lord of all glory.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Exodus 34.1-28, Luke 7.18-35 - Lectionary for 4/20/10 - Tuesday, Easter 3

Today's readings are Exodus 34.1-28 and Luke 7.18-35.

How great is the Lord's care for his people!  When they have departed from the faith, when they have rejected God and made idols for themselves, when God has withdrawn from the community because of their sin, yet the Lord calls Moses to himself.  Our Lord restates the covenant with Moses.  He will show himself to be the God of all mercy.  He will place his people safely in the land he promised to Abraham.  he will remove the current inhabitants before them.  He will caution his people Israel against alliances with these people who will tempt them into unfaithfulness.  Through the holidays God has proclaimed the Lord will show his provision to his people.  

Our Lord has visited his people.  He has given them his covenant.  And in these last days he has shown himself through Jesus, making a new covenant in the blood of the perfect sacrificial Lamb, God the Son himself.  All this salvation has been accomplished by God in Christ.  It is not of our own works.  It is not of our own imagination.  We can surely look to our Lord and Savior knowing that he has shown his steadfast love for all generations.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Exodus 33.1-23, Luke 7.1-17 - Lectionary for 4/19/10 - Monday, Easter 3

Today's readings are Exodus 33.1-23 and Luke 7.1-17.

The people of Israel are rightly timid after their encounters with God.  They realize that he is the mighty one.  This we also can see even through our observation of nature.  The complexity of our world, the intricacy of all creation cries out to us and illustrates God's power.  Yet through our own observations we are unable to see God's love.

God's chosen people, Israel, likewise hide themselves from God's presence.  Some of this is at the suggestion of God himself.  If he is among them he will surely kill them.  They are stubborn and faithless.  Contrary to popular wisdom, God doesn't love the sinner and hate the sin.  No, it's sinner and sin together consigned to death and hell.  So out of his infinite mercy God has masked his glory.  He has revealed himself to Moses and Joshua, outside the camp, protecting the bulk of the nation from his consuming presence.  Even at a distance we see that the people are moved to worship.

In these last days God has revealed his glory to the world through the person and work of Jesus.  We no longer have to look at God from a distance, in a pillar of cloud at the tent where just a couple of people go to meet with God.  We have seen, heard, and touched Jesus (1 John 1).  God has shown his glory in these last days in his Son (Hebrews 1).  He is the one who brings life to all who believe (John 1).  Our God has visited us and we can stand before him by faith in Christ.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Exodus 32.15-35, Luke 6.39-49 - Lectionary for 4/18/10 - Third Sunday in Easter

Today's readings are Exodus 32.15-35 and Luke 6.39-49.

Our Old Testament passage today truly tempts me to write about the New Testament reading.  But my goal is to write about the Old Testament readings this year.  It doesn't take a very close reading of the passage in Exodus 32 to see why I might want to avoid trying to find Law and Gospel in the passage.  All in all it is pretty much doom and gloom.  Yet we do see Gospel, and we see it in a very unexpected place.

Moses brings the tablets of God down from the mountain to find the people of Israel involved in idolatry.  He gathers those who will pledge to be faithful to God, the tribe of Levi, and commands them to begin killing those who have departed from the faith.  That day the Levites kill about three thousand men.  Where's the gospel?  Didn't the whole nation engage in idolatry?  Don't all the people who have not followed God's commands wholeheartedly and constantly deserve to die?  Has not God proclaimed clearly that he is the righteous God who requires perfect righteousness from his people?  

We see that God does not leave everyone to die in sin.  He provides salvation.  He calls us to our senses.  He lets us see that our sin deserves death.  He then points us to the forgiving mercy which he has shown in Jesus Christ.  Indeed our Lord will come in judgment, but he says he will do it in his own time.  In these last days he has come in judgment and has poured out that judgment on Jesus.  Christ has died for our sin.  Here is the Gospel the Lord gives us.  Though God's people depart from their faith, though we are quick to forget and to go our own way, our Lord has taken the matter of atonement and forgiveness into his own hands for us.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Exodus 32.1-14, Luke 6.20-38 - Lectionary for 4/17/10 - Saturday, Easter 2

Today's readings are Exodus 32.1-14 and Luke 6.20-38.

Today we see that God's ways are not our ways and our ways are not God's ways.  While God is giving Moses the commandments on the mountain the people of Israel fear for their well being and make other gods.  This is all the more amazing because the Lord had appeared to the elders of Israel in glory shortly before.  He had taken them personally out of Egypt, parted the Red Sea, destroyed Egypt's army, and guided the people of Israel with a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire.  This same God was providing the entire nation with food on a daily basis.  But now they turn their back on what they have seen with their own eyes.  They prefer their own solutions, their own guidance, to God's rule.

We are too often like this.  We see what our Lord has provided and we choose to follow our own way.  Not content with God's revelation in Scripture we seek our own philosophy.  Not content with the way God has worked in history through his church we try to build a new and different church.  Not content with the proclamation of Christ's atonement on our behalf and his satisfaction for our sins we try to invent a new Jesus, a Jesus according to our own character.

This ought not to be.  While the Bible never gives us warrant to run our lives counter to society just for the sake of being different from society, the Bible does tell us that God's ways are not our ways, his thoughts are not our thoughts.  We see remarkable contrasts in what Christians value in Scripture when compared to their larger culture.  We see people who give of themselves and their resources in order to bring Christ's healing love to fruition in this world.  We see people who are at the forefront of science, medicine, invention, and education.  These are people who know the Lord has given them gifts to serve their neighbors.  We see Christian people who do even menial tasks cheerfully, knowing that those very tasks are means of God ministering to the world.  The Bible paints a different picture than the picture of society we would create for ourselves.

Lord, let us be conformed to your image.  Create in us a desire to live according to your values.  Use us as you nurture and care for this world.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Exodus 31.1-18, Luke 6.1-19 - Lectionary for 4/16/10 - Friday, Easter 2

Today's readings are Exodus 31.1-18 and Luke 6.1-19.

In our theological categories we are often used to the idea of circumcision as the sign of the covenant.  It is part of the covenant God makes with Abraham, no doubt.  But here in Exodus 31 we see that the Sabbath is proclaimed as the sign of the covenant.  Let's look briefly at the similarities and distinctions between circumcision and the Sabbath.

Both are outward and visible signs.  Circumcision changes a man's appearance.  Observance of the Sabbath changes visible behavior.    Both are appropriated truly by faith.  Neither would seem to accomplish anything productive.  Both are commanded by God.  But there is a significant difference.  While circumcision is something that man does as a sign of his obedience, the Sabbath is something that God does.  It is God who provides the additional food needed by people who are not going to work one day of the week, or one year of seven years.  It is God who shows himself to be the living God who sustains his people.  They are to keep his Sabbath and he promises they will live through it.

Jesus shows himself to be the Lord of the Sabbath.  He himself becomes our Sabbath-day's rest, giving us rest from the toils with sin.  He himself promises to sustain us and bring us into his rest.  He takes this sign, a day of rest, and one of seven years spent in rest, and fulfills it, giving his people an eternity of rest.  May we have the grace to rest in our Lord and Savior.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Exodus 25.1-22, Luke 5.17-39 - Lectionary for 4/15/10 - Thursday, Easter 2

Today's readings are Exodus 25.1-22 and Luke 5.17-39.

Today we continue to see God meeting with his people according to his command and according to his revelation.  I'll make just a few brief observations.

God has a special place appointed to meet with his people.  Though he is the God who is present everywhere it is appropriate for us to seek out a special place of worship.  The church building is a visible place for God's assembled people, the true Church, to gather.  In that special place we can dedicate ourselves particularly to worship, minimizing the distractions which call our attention to more ephemeral things.

God has given special furnishings for this house of worship.  These furnishings are symbolic of his presence.  They are decorated according to designs he has given.  They are appointed to be filled with his real presence.  Likewise in the local church it is appropriate to have furnishings which point to the unity of God's people and the finished work of Christ on the cross.

We see in the tabernacle the centrality of the mercy seat, the place where God sits to show his mercy.  It is on top of a box, raised up like an altar.  He shows mercy between the cherubim, in the midst of his holy angels.  Inside the box are the commandments, above which God sits to show mercy.  Later the ark will also contain signs of God's provision, namely Aaron's rod that budded, signifying a special priesthood; and a jar of manna, signifying the food that God gives for his people.

Lord, may we see in our places of meeting the signs of your presence.  May we rejoice that indeed, though invisible, you are present with us, providing the grace and mercy we need.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Exodus 24.1-18, Luke 5.1-16 - Lectionary for 4/14/10 - Wednesday, Easter 2

Today's readings are Exodus 24.1-18 and Luke 5.1-16.

As the people approach God with sacrifices according to his command, ehty see the Lord renewing his covenant.  We look to this as an example of how God allows himself to be approached according to his plan, according to his revelation, in the times, places, and means which he has designed.  We can recall here also the covenant God made with Abraham.  Recall how God bound himself to a sacred covenant as he walked between the parts of the slain animals, yet he prevented Abraham from doing so.  God has bound himself to a covenant never to abandon his promise or his people.  Here with the blood on the altar our Lord renews his covenant with his people, but now with all Israel, not just with Abraham.

Our Lord promises to reveal himself in glory.  In these last days he has revealed himself in the glory of Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of the Father, in whom is grace and truth.  In our Exodus passage today we see how the leaders of Israel gather in the presence of God.  They are presented with his glory and respond in fear and trembling.  Yet they eat and drink, and do not die.  Likewise, when we are partakers of the Lord's supper we eat and drink in the very real presence of the Lord who has revealed himself in glory.  As partakers of God's promise we eat and drink to our benefit, not to our condemnation.  We do not die, for we have a real participation in the resurrection of our Lord.

Let us look to the promises of our risen Lord who has appeared to us in glory.  Let us be joyful partakers of him as we eat and drink.  Let us see this eternal life which he has prepared for us.  

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Exodus 23.14-33, Luke 4.31-44 - Lectionary for 4/13/10 - Tuesday, Easter 2

Today's readings are Exodus 23.14-33 and Luke 4.31-44.

Our Old Testament reading today points out the sharp distinction between the people of Israel and the nations that are to surround them in Canaan.  While this passage is often criticized as giving license to believers to practice violence, even genocide, I would take issue with that idea.  The pagan Canaanites and other surrounding people were engaged in practices such as human sacrifice, ritual prostitution, self-harm to try to appease gods, and the like.  They were following the kind of religious practices which not only contradicted everything the Lord shows about his character, but which also would prove deadly to his chosen people.  These surrounding people could (and did) flee for self-preservation.  Those who saw Israel from a distance and came to them individually, expressing repentance for their sins and a desire to live as people of God's covenant community were able to do so.

What we see in this passage is that God sets his people apart from the practices and lifestyle of the culture at large.  He gives them means of approach to his holiness by which they show themselves to be dedicated to him rather than to their own opinions.  The true religion of the Bible is not characterized by our own wisdom.  It is not a religion dedicated to our own shows of righteousness.  It is characterized by God's people approaching him on his terms, not on their own terms.  We do not work out our way of righteousness  We accept the provision of righteousness that our Lord has made us.  This ultimately looks radically different from anything we could devise.

How do we work out our salvation?  By trust in Christ's finished work.  How do we know our Lord is with us?  We know because he has promised to be with us.  We can't see it with our eyes.  We believe, teach, and confess things which seem like foolishness.  Yet they are what our Lord has given us.  They are the means by which we approach his holiness.  They are the means by which he has promised to come to us and visit us with his presence.  They are the means by which he builds us up in the faith.  They are our safe haven.  Let us then receive the proclamation of God's forgiveness, the provision of new life in baptism, the nurturing or our faith in communion, and the knowledge that he has indeed promised to be with us forever.  

Monday, April 12, 2010

Exodus 22.20-23.13, Luke 4.16-30 - Lectionary for 4/12/10 - Monday, Easter 2

Today's readings are Exodus 22.20-23.13 and Luke 4.16-30.

We see today a continued description of the character qualities God has prescribed for those who trust in him.  Once again we have to realize that we are guilty.  Though we may try we are always guilty when we compare our lives to God's righteous standard.  Either we have to lower the standard of God by explaining it away in some way or we have to realize that we are in fact sinners.  Even the most socially conscious of us, the most culturally sensitive, the most honest, the most generous, the most just one of us is going to fail in some respect.  We don't pay attention to everything the Lord has said to us.  We are not like the righteous people the Lord describes.  

What do we see in Exodus 22.27?  The person who cries to God is heard by God.  Our Lord is the compassionate God.  He is the very one who provides for the needs of his people.  He is the one who reaps vengeance on mistreatment, including the mistreatment we inflict, even the mistreatment we receive.  When we call out to our Lord in repentance we know he is the compassionate and mercivul God.  He is the one who can provide food for his people even though they rest one of seven days, even though they give their land a rest from cultivation every seventh year.  He gives us what we need according to his power and plan, not according to our wisdom or diligence.

Does this mean we should all quit our jobs for a year every seven years?  No, it really doesn't mean that.  It does mean that we are to be characterized by a radical dependence on the Lord rather than on ourselves.  And we see as we confess on a daily basis that our Lord is the one who gives us what we need and that he gives it because he is good and kind.    Do we look for proof of this?  Let us look no farther than the fact that our Lord has given himself for us, his real life for our life, his real death for our redemption, his real bodily resurrection as the firstfruits of the resurrection of the dead, his real presence among his people as the fulfillment of his promise never to leave us or forsake us.  Surely we can trust that he will provide our every need.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Exodus 20.1-24, Luke 4.1-15 - Lectionary for 4/11/10 - Second Sunday of Easter

Today's readings are Exodus 20.1-24 and Luke 4.1-15.

A few years ago (I probably blogged about it, in fact), I saw a church sign which said, "Feeling bad?  Take two tablets, the 10 Commandments!"  My sudden application of the brakes to make sure I read correctly could have caused an accident if there had been more traffic.  Normally I don't have to read beyond Exodus 20.3 to feel a burden of conviction.  After all, how many times every day do I elevate something else before God?  How many times to I prefer my comfort?  How many times do I doubt God's real presence with me?  How many times do I take things into my own hands?  How many times do I decide that when worst comes to worst at least I can pray in case that will accomplish something?  I doubt I need to recount any more ways that I fall short of that first commandment, do I?  Yet I take comfort in knowing that we are all that way to one extent or another.  We all fail at the various commandments of God.  We don't do them willingly and with our whole hearts, with pure motives, all the time, as God minimally demands.  Maybe the church sign should have said, "Feeling good about yourself?  Take two tablets, the 10 Commandments!"  Indeed, our Lord convicts us of sin through his law.

See in verses 18-21 how the people fear God's presence?  When the living God announces his presence and tells what his demands are we should fear and tremble.  We who are sinful wish to escape from the presence and glory of God.  He is a consuming fire.

Notice here, though, that while God is making himself plain to his people, he is also describing the characteristics of his people.  I've heard it stated that in Hebrew these are actually indicative mood statements, descriptions, rather than imperative mood commands.  Unfortunately, the Lutheran Study Bible on my desk doesn't corroborate that, I have no significant understanding of Hebrew, and a comparison of the Septuagint would be worthless as the second person plural imperative and indicative are identical forms.  Yet, whether these commandments are phrased as commands or descriptors, they say something important about God's people.  As our Lord has redeemed us from other gods, he has given us a desire to come to him.  He invites us into his presence through Word and Sacraments, promising hat he is here to show his love to his people.  He gives his name to us, placing it upon us in baptism, promising that he will defend that which is called by his name.  He has given a time of rest, particularly a Sabbath day's rest from the toils of sin, effective today and every day in Jesus Christ.  He has shown the value of parents who guide us and care for us, the very flawed picture of God's care for us.  He has valued our lives and has shown us how to value the lives of others.  He has called us into an exclusive relationship with himself, pictured in our exclusive relationships with our husbands or wives.  He has shown that we are his prize possession which he will guard, teaching us that we should honor that which belongs to someone.  He himself is the truth, thus removing falsehood from the lips of those who are called by his name.  He is the one who has provided all we need, showing us that we need no desire of that which belongs to our neighbor.  Our Lord has called us by his name and has given us what we need.  We are thus free to show that in all our actions and attitudes.  He describes his character, the character he has placed upon us, in these commandments.

Do we fear?  We fear rightly.  We dare not approach our Lord in his glory trusting in our own works.  We dare not approach our Lord in our righteousness.  But he has purchased us, we are his possession, we are called by his name, we are created in his image, we stand before our Lord not in our own righteousness but in the righteousness of Jesus, his Son.  We have been called to approach him through the means he has given us, and we are perfectly safe in that.  We have been called to come to our Lord.  He makes his name be remembered.  He comes to his people.  He blesses his people.  This is our great and mighty Lord.  

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Returning to the blogosphere

Thanks for the kind statements and prayers.  After being migraine free for about a week it's time to return to the blogosphere tomorrow.

Dave Spotts
blogging at and