Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Exodus 34.1-28, Luke 7.18-35 - Lectionary for 4/20/10 - Tuesday, Easter 3

Today's readings are Exodus 34.1-28 and Luke 7.18-35.

How great is the Lord's care for his people!  When they have departed from the faith, when they have rejected God and made idols for themselves, when God has withdrawn from the community because of their sin, yet the Lord calls Moses to himself.  Our Lord restates the covenant with Moses.  He will show himself to be the God of all mercy.  He will place his people safely in the land he promised to Abraham.  he will remove the current inhabitants before them.  He will caution his people Israel against alliances with these people who will tempt them into unfaithfulness.  Through the holidays God has proclaimed the Lord will show his provision to his people.  

Our Lord has visited his people.  He has given them his covenant.  And in these last days he has shown himself through Jesus, making a new covenant in the blood of the perfect sacrificial Lamb, God the Son himself.  All this salvation has been accomplished by God in Christ.  It is not of our own works.  It is not of our own imagination.  We can surely look to our Lord and Savior knowing that he has shown his steadfast love for all generations.

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