Thursday, April 15, 2010

Exodus 25.1-22, Luke 5.17-39 - Lectionary for 4/15/10 - Thursday, Easter 2

Today's readings are Exodus 25.1-22 and Luke 5.17-39.

Today we continue to see God meeting with his people according to his command and according to his revelation.  I'll make just a few brief observations.

God has a special place appointed to meet with his people.  Though he is the God who is present everywhere it is appropriate for us to seek out a special place of worship.  The church building is a visible place for God's assembled people, the true Church, to gather.  In that special place we can dedicate ourselves particularly to worship, minimizing the distractions which call our attention to more ephemeral things.

God has given special furnishings for this house of worship.  These furnishings are symbolic of his presence.  They are decorated according to designs he has given.  They are appointed to be filled with his real presence.  Likewise in the local church it is appropriate to have furnishings which point to the unity of God's people and the finished work of Christ on the cross.

We see in the tabernacle the centrality of the mercy seat, the place where God sits to show his mercy.  It is on top of a box, raised up like an altar.  He shows mercy between the cherubim, in the midst of his holy angels.  Inside the box are the commandments, above which God sits to show mercy.  Later the ark will also contain signs of God's provision, namely Aaron's rod that budded, signifying a special priesthood; and a jar of manna, signifying the food that God gives for his people.

Lord, may we see in our places of meeting the signs of your presence.  May we rejoice that indeed, though invisible, you are present with us, providing the grace and mercy we need.

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