Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lectionary for 4/16/08

Today's readings are Leviticus 16.1-24 ( ) and Luke 10.1-22 ( ).
The concept of the "scapegoat" comes from Leviticus chapter 16.  We all know what a scapegoat is, the person who is blamed for everything.  And in most households, there is someone or something to serve as a scapegoat.  For years in our household it was Bob, my children's "invisible enemy" who was responsible for all sorts of wrongdoing.  Nowadays it is usually the cat.  Someone has to receive the blame.  Someone has to be punished.  It's only fair.
When Aaron had made sacrifice for himself and the sins of the people, he would come to this one remaining goat.  By laying his hands on the goat and confessing the sins of the people over the goat, the Scripture says he places the sins of the people on this goat.  While it may be allowed to escape and go free, it is also going to its death as it passes outside of the camp into the wilderness.  When the goat goes "free" it takes the sins of the people of Israel with it, to be sent outside of the camp, away from the people who once bore their sin.
Someone has to take the blame, right?  What does this have to do with me and my Christian life?  Jesus Christ, the lamb of God, has become sin for us.  He has taken the sin of his people upon himself.  He has provided the offering for their sin in himself, and has gone outside of the camp - outside of the city of Jerusalem, to die for the sin of his people in an unclean place, the place of execution.  And all those sins which are confessed are sins he receives, poured out on his head, as the sins of Israel are poured out on the head of the goat.  Jesus has taken our sin, has taken our blame, has died in our place, a place of uncleanness, pain and suffering.  Yet Jesus was not held by our sin.  Death itself could not hold our Lord and Savior, who, having died in our place, also lives that we might live.
Rejoice!  Christ is risen!  The Lord who died in our place now brings us eternal life!  Thanks be to the Lord who would take our sin upon himself and remove it from us!


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