Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lectionary for 4/23/08

Today's readings are Leviticus 26.1-20 ( ) and Luke 13.18-35 ( ).
We have just read, in Leviticus 25, about the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee, when property reverts to its historic owner.  Now look in Leviticus 26 at the blessings and cursings God gives.  To those who trust him and follow his commands, he will pour out his blessings.  They will be so busy with gaining food and wealth that they won't have time to turn around and rest except when the Lord has commanded them to rest.  To those who don't trust him, he will pour out cursings, such as hunger, one of the worst things to see in an agrarian community.
How do we trust in the Lord?  Are we saved and fed through obedience to a system of days of rest, years of rest, and giving property back to other people every fiftieth year?  On the contrary, we find that we are saved, fed, clothed, and guarded by entering into the rest that Christ has purchased through his perfect love, trust, and obedience to the Father on our behalf.  We may try to be faithful to the Lord and trust him, but will always fail, at least to some extent.  We fall short of his perfect standard.  But Jesus has kept the command of God perfectly.  Let us rejoice as we enter into the rest of Christ.


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