Monday, September 28, 2009

Deuteronomy 1.1-18, Matthew 5.1-20 - Lectionary for 9/28/09

Today's readings are Deuteronomy 1.1-18 and Matthew 5.1-20.

Here we see two lawgivers - Moses and Jesus.  I'm going to give a simple challenge today, but beware.  It's a challenge that will take a lifetime or longer to master.  When reading today's passages, try to look at that distinction between Law and Gospel clearly.  Remember the Law is that which we do at God's command.  The Gospel is what God does on our behalf.

I'll kick off the thoughts with a few leading questions from Matthew 5.3.

What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
Is this a command for us or is it a description of us?
How do we fail to be poor in spirit?
What could we do to truly be poor in spirit?
What are the identifiers of someone who is truly poor in spirit? 
If we try to do something to be poor in spirit does that negate it and make us not blessed?
What is the kingdom of heaven?
What does it mean that it is ours?
How does the kingdom of heaven become ours?
What has Jesus done to make the kingdom of heaven ours?
How will we see the kingdom of heaven?
What assurance is there in knowing that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor in spirit?
After looking at this statement of Jesus, summarize what God commands and what God promises.

That Law and Gospel paradigm fits awfully well.

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