Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lectionary for 9/13/09

Today's readings are 2 Chronicles 32.1-22 and 
Colossians 1.1-23.

The first chapter of Colossians is one of the most "packed" chapters in the entire Bible.  Look at the way God is described.  What kind of a Lord does the Bible introduce?  This is not like the gods of the Assyrians.  They are mere idols.  They are really only as powerful as the people who believe them.  They are no gods at all, but the spirits of this world, especially of their worshipers.  But the God of the Bible, this triune God is someone altogether different.  He created all the world.  He filled all the world.  He sustains all the world.  He lovingly cares for everything that happens.

Lord, may we ever look to you, the true and living God, in faith and trust knowing that by your mercy you have done all things that are right and good.

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