Sunday, September 27, 2009

Malachi 3.6-4.6, Matthew 4.12-25 - Lectionary for 9/27/09

Today's readings are Malachi 3.6-4.6 and Matthew 4.12-25.

God continues to point out Israel's failings through Malachi.  Notice that some of the people are moved by God's condemnation, they apparently repent and gather to faithfully talk together.  It would certainly seem as though their talk is centered, not on the latest dairy goats or chariot production, but on what God has done in his people.   

What has the Lord done in his people?  This is in our New Testament reading, as the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy is revealed.  The people who were dwelling in darkness see a great light.  Christ the Lord has come.  God has visited his people bringing redemption and healing with him.  

I mention Law and Gospel on this blog a lot.  We recall that Law is what we are told to do.  Gospel is what God has done for us.  Here we have an opportunity to work on distinguishing between Law and Gospel quite clearly.  What has God commanded?  It's all over the place in this reading.  We realize we have not done it and that no matter how hard we try we will still fail.  We do not find hope and salvation in Law.  We find conviction of sin, we find restraint of sin, and we find God's values proclaimed.  But we do not find salvation.  How about Gospel?  This is where God delivers hope and salvation to us.  Look at all the Gospel statements.  Christ has come.  He has revealed God's mercy.  He has called people to be with him.  He proclaims deliverance from disease and affliction.  He rescues his people from sin and death.  There's the Gospel.

Thanks be to God who has brought the Gospel in Christ.

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